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Tuesday, February 25, 2025

Another Spanking

I'm 33 years old and still have to endorse domestic discipline from my Dad. I tried living on my own, but seems I can't get anything right, bar fights, over drinking, losing jobs, and can't keep a good relationship. I had to move back in with Dad, Mom has been gone for some years, so I figured he would not mind some company. After Dad saw all my misdeeds and misbehavior, he gave me some rules and regulations that I needed to follow, but you can tell by now that, Im not one who follows rules too well. He gave me a set of chores to complete since I'm not working and I keep messing up. A couple of months ago, Dad came into my room with a paddle in his hand and said “ As long as you live under my roof, eat my food, and use up all the resources I provide for you, including your car payment on that Lexus and insurance, and not to mention the subscriptions you have for British Boys Fetish Club, Punishment4Lads, Bottom Line Studios, Cp4Men and countless others that appear on my credit card every month. 

The good thing is that

Discipline Matters is free. 

I figured since you live a life of domestic discipline, as long as you are here, you will be subject to a good sound paddling, every Tuesday and Friday and if you choose to continue to disobey and ignore my rules and regulations you will be subject to behavioral spankings as well”. At this point, my heart went into my stomach and my nerves were shaken. While he was seeing the paddle down on the dresser, I said " Dad, let's talk about this, I'm a big 33-year-old man, and spankings like that are far beyond me now. Don't you think you spanked me enough when I was a boy? Yes, Sir, I know you do a lot for me, but does this mean I have to pay you back, through spankings and paddelings? Im sorry for charging your card, for the subscriptions, I didn't think you would pay too much attention to them, but I can see that I was wrong. Dad, I know you have set a good ground for me, growing up, but I am a grown man now." Dad's eyes grew small and his face was red as he gave me the " Thousand Yard Stare" and said to me in a calm and deep voice 

" Boy, you are grown from appearance, but mentally, morally, economically, and responsible you are not, based on all the trouble you have been getting into since you left home and the pressure you put on your dear old mom before she passed away and the financial bind, you almost cost us and a few months ago, you were in five bar fights, because you can handle your drinking, like your late uncle Johnny, which like him, I had to bail out of jail, a good thing for you and him, I have a great relationship with the judges here in SpankvilleCounty, they let you and Johnny slide on past with a warning. Being an Arch Bishop in the County Catholic Church for the past forty-five years, played a great part. So now you sit here in the same room, you had when you were a boy, and you still sit before me as a boy. So do not tell me you've grown, you have nothing close to it, thus far. Not remove your clothes and I will return. You can keep on your jockstrap, since you feel like the jock in your high school or you can pack up, what you came, with, which is the clothes in the corner that was supposed to be washed last week, and carry yourself on, out of my house".  

The tone in his voice was sort of shocking and the meekness in his attitude and the devil smile made me more nervous and a bit scared. I must admit he was correct on so many points, that made me feel like a boy again. I thought to myself as he was giving the alternative " Damn, He knows I have nowhere to go. I don't have any friends here, but I guess that's my fault as well. damn, Spanking can't be that bad, I mean, it's like the spankings I see on BBFC and the other sites, But Discipline Matters seem to display some real red butts, but Dad wouldn't do that" So, I answer Dad " Yes Sir I will comply with the spankings." My dad looked back at me as if to say " If you had a choice".  

I was Wrong! 

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